The challenge was to improve the number of sells about ancillaries products (baggage and insurances) on a travel App, and to explore how to sell the maximum number of these products without compromising the customer experience. I decided to choose the iOS platform to do the project.
Upon initiating my review of the app, I observed that the services I aimed to enhance only surfaced towards the conclusion of the task flow. Conversely, I acknowledge the application’s abundance of information and the clarity of each step, up until the purchase page. This led me to consider the possibility of introducing information about these services at earlier stages in the process, anticipating that users may benefit from early awareness, potentially eliciting positive feedback.
The goal
The project aims to enhance the efficiency of bag and insurance selections per purchase, emphasizing the importance of maintaining a positive overall customer experience. These key objectives are pursued with a clear understanding that the primary goal is to boost the conversion rate for flight sales. Consideration is given to the user scenarios integral to the user interface, facilitating their ability to accomplish their objectives seamlessly.
octubre 25, 2018